I can't believe it is June already.
Kaden will be 8 months old next week!
May was a busy and fun month. Kyle started T-ball and he enjoys it. He has been hitting a baseball that daddy pitches since he was 20 months old, so t-ball is a bit "boring" for him. But it is good for him to learn how to run the bases and play in the outfield.
Kaden is Kyle's # 1 fan!

Check out the size of that batting helmet!
We spent Mother's Day in
Bellingham. It was a wonderful day. One of my favorite days of the year. We went to church as a family and we played at the park. The boys got me flowers and Troy gave me a "coupon book" with blessings like: washing my car, cleaning the bathroom, etc.
Kaden at the park on Mother's day

Mommy and her boys!

I went to a women's retreat with my church a few weekends ago. Troy got to experience my life firsthand for an entire weekend. He did a great job. The kids were clothed and fed and the house looked pretty decent when I returned. Troy is able to REALLY appreciate all that I do now that he understands how much work goes in to taking care of a baby and a 3 year old all day long.
Being a mommy is hard work! But I love it!