Wednesday, February 23, 2011

No More "Turning" Wheels

I am a proud MaMa
Kyle is officially a big boy bike rider. He is no longer in need of his training wheels (he calls them "turning" wheels)
He has been ready to take them off for quite a while now, but was lacking the confidence to do it. He is not a big fan of "change" so that was the difficult part for him.
Our neighbor boys (Ethan, Caleb, and Greyson) all ride without training wheels so Kyle was motivated to be like them. :)
As soon as he decided to do it and Troy took them off....he was fine.
Off he went.
He never even fell down.
I can't believe my baby is so big! Way to go Kyle!

Daddy giving Kyle a "pep" talk before he rides

Kyle- sit on the seat not the front wheel :)

Ready to go!

Video of his first time riding without training wheels


Thursday, February 3, 2011

3 years later

I have not blogged in a long time. Sorry for that. I have not really been myself here I go....trying to be more like myself.

For some reason, I enjoy taking photos of Kyle and then re-creating the same photo with Kaden at the same age. Here is my latest work:

Ethan and Kyle March 2008

Kaden Feb. 2011
Same hat, same monkey shirt

I love my little monkeys!