Monday, August 25, 2008

Milk and Cookies

Back in June, 2008 we had Kyle tested for food allergies. He was having symptoms that lead me to believe that he might have some allergies. I originally thought he was allergic to milk so I took him off of cow's milk and started giving him soy milk. His symptoms seemed to clear up. But...I wanted to have him tested to be sure. The test itself was simple (you would think). They could do it at his pediatrician's office. They had to draw blood. NO FUN! Kyle screamed. Troy had to hold him down and I was in the waiting room crying! It was horrible. But it had to be done!
We got the results on June 27th.
Kyle is allergic to milk, wheat, and egg whites.
Oh great! What do I feed my son?????
That day Troy and I were pretty upset. Poor Kyle had been eating foods that were harming his little body. Now that we know we can change his diet. But that is not going to be easy! If you think about it....those 3 things are in pretty much everything! No more toast, yogurt, cheese, cookies, cake, baked goods, etc.
It was very hard to wrap my brain around what I could feed him. He was a picky eater to begin my options have slimmed drastically!
The first week of the diet change...I took it one meal at a time. Breakfast used to consist of a piece of toast with peanutbutter and fruit. Well...he can still eat the fruit and peanutbutter. I had to find some wheat free toaster waffles at Trader Joes that worked for him. Lunch and dinner was even harder. Kyle doesn't really eat what we eat...he is too picky. So for a while all I could get him to eat was a Turkey Hot Dog and some fruit.

It has been 2 months since the diagnosis. I can say that I feel more equipped and educated on how to live with a child with food allergies. Some friends have been very helpful with websites, recipes, ideas, stores to shop at, etc.
Kyle is doing much better. His symptoms are GONE! He likes most of the food I offer him. He still is too young to understand when he sees a friend eating goldfish crackers or a cookie that he cannot have them. That is the HARDEST part for me....telling him "no" when he wants to eat something. I have found food substitutes for most of the things he likes. We make Wheat-Free/Egg-Free Pancakes, I found LOTS of snack food that he can eat (Granola bars (wheat free), wheat-free pretzels, fruit leather, rasins, dried fruit, rice krispie treats, etc.)
I have not been to Whole Foods yet..but I plan to go soon. Trader Joes and Fred Meyer both have a good selection of foods Kyle can eat. Kyle LOVES pizza and cannot eat it so I found a Rice Flour Pizza Crust and soy cheese so he had pizza for the first time in August. It is the little things in life!!!
I cried the day that I made him wheat-free/egg-free chocolate chip cookies. I cried because he was so happy eating his cookie treat. If you ask me, they were terrible....but they were a God-send so that Kyle can feel "normal"
I am not sure what the future holds. We are praying that he will grow out of these allergies. For now, I will always have to pack special treats for Kyle at birthday parties and school events. We are taking him to see an allergist in September. Hopefully she can give us some insight. For now, we just take things one day at a time and we are thankful that Kyle is healthy again. We are thanful that his allergies are not life threatening. We are thankful that there are so many gluten-free food options out there now. We are just thankful for our son, Kyle....allergies and all!!!!

Kyle enjoying his first taste of a cookie!

He LOVED it!

Pass the Rice Milk Please!


Bloom Where You Are Planted said...

Yay for Rice Milk and Special Cookies!!! :)

You've been through SO much this summer! I can only imagine the wealth of knowledge you and Troy will be able to provide other families that are in your shoes and need a lot of help.

Hang in there! So glad to know that he's doing awesome and does not seem to know what he's missing!

You are an awesome mom and I'm so impressed how you've grabbed the bull by the horns and taken on this huge issue so gracefully!

Keep up the wonderful work! You're doing great things for your sweet boy!

Expat Teacher said...

Any idea if he'll grow out of this? Or will this be his life forever? No pizza? That'd be tough....

Katie said...

awwww.....i'm celebrating here with little Kyle's fun rice milk and treats too!!!

He'll be okay...he's got great parents and a very creative mama...he'll make all the other kids jealous that they don't have rice milk and non flour chocolate chip cookies!!

Love ya babe!

sara said...

this made my "momma heart" hurt... its SO hard to deal when you just want things to be different for your kid and there's not a thing you can do...but God is way bigger and definitely cares about the "little things"...

bless you friend!