Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow Day # 2

We woke up today to a phone call from Troy's school district saying that school was closed! Yeah! Time to sleep in....NOT!
Kyle has no concept of sleeping in. Oh well.
We had such a fun day. Kyle finally decided to wear a winter coat (size 4T) and mittens!
We went sledding with our neighbor buddies Caleb and Ethan. We built a snowman and we went on a walk with the Radio Flyer Wagon. Kyle even decided to "mow" the snow.

Kyle mowing the snow

Our snowman

Going for a walk in the wagon.


Cute boys sledding.

What a fun day! There is nothing better than playing in the snow, drinking hot cocoa, making cookies, and watching movies!
I hope we have another snow day tomorrow!

1 comment:

Bloom Where You Are Planted said...

LOVE the idea of a wagon ride through the snow!! We'll have to try that one!

Kyle is SO adorable! :)

P.S. Thanks for lunch...I LOVED that time!