Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Children are a gift from God

I have always loved kids.
When I was 5 my little sister was born. I remember the day very clearly. I enjoyed helping my mom take care of the baby. It has always come naturally to me to be a nurturer. I did alot of babysitting in my teenage years. In college, I worked at a child care center. I have an elementary education degree. I taught Kindergarten for 5 years. Whenever there is a baby around, I want to hold it.
So, for as long as I can remember, I have always wanted children of my own.
When I was in college I even subscribed to Parents Magazine and posted cut out magazine photos of babies in my dorm room. I know, I was a bit obsessed.
When I got married, I thought I wanted to have children within a few years....but we got married young and Troy wanted to be on the "five year plan"
I didn't think I could wait 5 years.
But I did....and even longer.
We had been married 5 years and 6 months when we found out we were pregnant with Baby Schwenke # 1.
I was SO excited!
Kyle James was born 9-29-06 (We had been married 6 years and 2 months)
Then....3 years and 8 days later we were blessed with another child, Kaden Andrew (10-7-09)

God is kind of funny sometimes. You see, I always thought I would be a mom of 3 girls. I was used to girls. I like girls. I love to do little girl hair and dress them in cute little pink dresses. I even wore pink to my ultrasound in hopes that I would hear the technician say "It's a girl"
But...God had a different plan for me. And I am thankful.

If it were up to me I would have had 3 girls. At a younger age.
But God knows me and He knew that the BEST plan would be for me to wait and have TWO boys.
They melt my heart.
It brings tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat as I write this and think of how much I am blessed to have my boys.
Now I spend my days playing baseball, soccer, football, digging in the dirt, playing pretend with swords, "fighting" the fire-breathing dragons, "hunting" animals like elk and deer in our living room, talking about dinosaurs, frogs, spiders, BOY STUFF :)
And I would not have it any other way!

Precious Kaden

Little buns

Such a happy little guy

Super Baby!

Those eyes will melt your heart every time!


Bloom Where You Are Planted said...

Tears...streaming...this is SO beautiful!!

Once again, our lives parallel. I echo every single word of yours.

Boys really are awesome, aren't they?! :)

sara said...

oh my! Christy! This was a great post- thanks for sharing your heart :)

Sarah said...

Thanks for making me cry like a baby.
I love those little boys more than life itself (even if I have yet to meet little Kade-man).
102 more days til I come home and I cannot wait to hug those little men of mine and spoil them to death - let alone play endless games of soccer and dinosaurs.

Katie said...

Love those boys!!! I am sooo thankful for God's plan for you! And who knows? Maybe God will give you an Anna in a different way than you anticipated! Love you and your boys! xoxoxoox