Thursday, May 29, 2008

Kyle is 20 Months Old!

Today Kyle turns 20 months old! Where has the time gone? He is such a big boy! Kyle has brought so much joy to our family! It has been fun to watch him grow and learn over the past 20 months. We are so proud of him in so many ways! We are thankful that God has blessed us with our son. We can't imagine our lives without him!

Happy 20 Months Kyle!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Kyle Learns How to Jump

Kyle's friend Bradie taught him how to jump.
He had trouble with the landing but has since perfected his technique.
Enjoy the video.

Kyle's Video: Newborn to 18 months

Here is a video that Troy made to celebrate Kyle's 18 month birthday.
(March, 2008)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Deck That Troy Built....

Troy has been busy building a deck. He started it on Spring Break in April and is still working on it because of a hectic life schedule (teaching, coaching tennis, Masters Program, etc.)
It is coming along great! We can't wait to enjoy the finished product. Summer BBQs here we come!!! We are so thankful to all of our friends who have come over to help unload wood, dig up grass, hammer nails, and saw wood. Kyle has been helping daddy build the deck too!. Here are some cute pictures of my two handsome carpenters!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Potty Time

This week Kyle has started to show more interest in using the potty. He is becoming such a big boy! Now our bathroom is filled with potty seats, books, and stickers. If any of you moms (or dads) have any potty training secrets...fill me in!

Oh the joys of potty training!

Bring it on!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Blog Land

Well...I have made the plunge into Blog Land. My first order of business....a better Blog Title.
Please give me your ideas for a Blog Title. I like creative word rhymes. Something with Schwenke? or maybe Troy/Christy/Kyle.
What are your ideas?