Thursday, April 23, 2009

2 year old theology

Kyle and I were driving in the car today and we were talking about people that love us.

Here is how the conversation went:

Mommy: "Kyle, who loves you?"

Kyle: "Daddy and Mommy and MiMi and PaPa and Grandma and Grandpa..."

Mommy: " What about Jesus? Does Jesus love you?"

Kyle: "No. He is in a book and can't get out"


Guess we have to work on that one a little more.


Emma and Luke said...

HAHA!! That is SO funny!!

Unknown said...

Hi Christy and Troy, I saw that someone came to our blog from yours and wondered, "who's blog is this?" I am guess that one of you went to SPU with Shad? He probably told me once, but I just don't remember! Your son is so cute and I love the things he says. Also, congrats on the new baby due in Oct. Enjoy Washington for us, Shad really misses the Pacific NW. Thankfully we've had many rainy and overcast days this spring, so he feels more "at home". Jen Kayser

sara said...

okay time for anew post dearie!