Warm cups of coffee with French Vanilla Coffee Mate Creamer, cozy PJs, crisp morning air, sunlight beaming through the trees in my backyard. These are things I am thankful for this morning as I type.
My sister sent me some photos. Isn't this one cute???!!!???
My grandma, Doris, is 91 years old. She is a kick in the pants! I love her dearly!
The older I get, the more I realize how thankful I am for my family and friends.
Kyle is thankful for his blankies and stuffed animals! :)
You should see the routine of tucking him (and all of his animals) into bed each night.
It is quite a process!
I am a blessed woman! I have two boys in my life that mean the world to me: Troy and Kyle.
I am thankful for them!
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