Sunday, August 22, 2010

Deer Harbor

Troy's parents (MiMi and PaPa) have a boat. It is a 36 foot Uniflite. We enjoy going out in the boat with them. We went to Deer Harbor in the San Juan Islands at the end of July with them. This was Kaden's first boat trip in the PharmSea boat (it is called the PharmaSea because PaPa used to be a pharmacist)
It was a great time. We spent two nights on the boat. The kids did great! Kyle loved sleeping on the top bunk in the "bunk room" and PaPa made a crib bed rail for Kaden on the bottom bunk. The kids slept great on the must have been the gentle rocking of the water.
It was "Family Weekend" with the Bellingham boating club that MiMi and PaPa are in. They organized fun games for all the kids with lots of prizes too. Kyle won a big squirt gun!
We went crabbing, went in the "Fast Boat", went swimming at the pool, looked for fish with Kyle's "long net", and just enjoyed time with family on the boat. Auntie Tara (8 months pregnant) and Uncle Nando came for the day. It was alot of fun! We are lucky to live is such a beautiful area and have parents with a boat for us to enjoy the beautiful San Juan Islands!

Kyle ready to go swimming with his noodles and his squirt gun

Kyle fishing with his 'long net'

our little fisherman


Kyle tying the boat to the dock

riding in the "Fast Boat" with Tara and Nando

Kyle and Daddy driving the little boat

Kyle in his bunk bed with his flashlight

Kyle and Daddy on the fly bridge

Kaden napping in his "bunk bed crib"

Kyle is looking for whales with MiMi

1 comment:

Nate and Carly said...

It's fun to see pictures of the boat! Looks like you guys had a great time!