Monday, November 23, 2009

Dinner Disaster

Yesterday was Sunday. I planned a crock pot meal.
I used a great blog site.....
I made Pasta Figole soup.
Before church I put everything together and turned it on. Check. Dinner will be ready at 5pm. Or so I thought......
I even made "homemade" bread in my bread machine (it was a box of bread machine mix)
BUT.....Little did I know that I thought I set the crock pot to LOW but it was actually on the OFF position. AND....I thought I pressed start on the bread machine but I forgot and I just set the timer. 4pm I realized that my soup was COLD and my bread was still a pile of water, flour, and yeast.
Too bad my mom and dad came over for dinner.
Plan B.....frozen pizza.
Oh well.....we get Pasta Figole soup tonight! :)

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