Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Happy Halloween 2009

Kyle's Halloween Artwork. His best coloring job yet! He really took his time and tried to stay inside the lines. I must say, I am pretty impressed with his work considering he does not sit still for very long and he is only 3 years old. I think his coloring is so good because he is a little bit "OCD" :)

Kaden's Halloween Jammies

Kyle decorating ghost cookies with MiMi

Kyle and his friends at a Halloween Party
(Kyle is the elephant)

Kyle, Max, and McKaden at Trunk-or-Treat at our church.
The kids had SO MUCH fun handing out candy. It was fun to see them serving others and having a blast!

Our little pumpkin (24 days old)

Our little lion- so fierce!

Kyle and Kaden-1st Halloween together

Halloween photo on the porch
Kyle is *trying* to hold Kaden up


Sarah said...

Love the pictures!
Kyle and Kaden are so cute together!
Their first of many photos together on the porch...first day of school will be soon ;)
PS What is trunk or treating? You're the 3rd person I see write about this and I have no idea what it is.

Sarah said...

PS I think Kyle might get his OCD from his Auntie Sarah and Grandpa Bear.
Sorry :)

Unknown said...

trunk or treating is when a bunch of people from the church decorate their cars/trunks and hand out candy. the kids walk from car to car and "trunk or treat" instead of trick-or-treat. It is in a lit and covered parking garage-bonus when it is pouring down rain on halloween. So fun!